A downloadable game

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ZX Spectrum Maze Game.

This in the original ZX Spectrum game from 1983. It is the first game we ever developed (we think).

We recovered it from our archives and are making it available again.

The Plot: To get to bed safely, all you need is your pajamas (top and bottom) and your teddy bear (They'll be green so you know the ones to pick up!).  If you can make it back to bed before you fall asleep you'll be safe.

With only a single life - You have limited energy and fall asleep  when it reachs zero.

Collect the blue alarm clocks to wake yourself up and give yourself more energy.

Watch you don't bump into anything as you run around - you'll fall asleep instantly and it'll be game over!

This is a tough game to finish. You'll need to be quick around the maze and light on the keyboard. 


Spectrum 5678

 (Up =7, Down=6, Left=5, Right=8)

If you're playing on a PC Emulator you should be able to use the numeric keypad or arrow keys.


Developer: Damian Scattergood

Spectrum .TZX Download to play in your favorite Spectrum Emulator.

Suggested Donations
Why we choose a min payment and suggested donations for this game:

We've invested in bringing our archive back to life.  We've had to invest in some antique (ahem!) - older machines, drives and kit to get our code back. For Insomnia there was only 1 cassette tape in our archive. Luckily we recovered it with a Sony Walkman (Yes, for real). It did take us a few days to get it back though. We used MakeTZX and Audacity to get the sound levels just right.

We have a library of old tech that we support. We hope to open a museum one day, showing game tech from the 80s onwards.

We're happy to release another Spectrum game after 32 years. (1993 was our last Speccy release we think - you forget things as you get older, and it was a long time ago!) 

Insomnia is Copyright Scattergood Studios. 


Buy Now$1.00 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $1 USD. You will get access to the following files:

insomnia.tzx 30 kB
Insomnia-map-2021.png 373 kB

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